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The Full Moon in Aries: October 20, 2021

The Role of the Passing Sun-Mars Conjunction

Recently, I wrote about the passing Sun-Mars conjunction occurring in the sign of Libra that has been taking place over the past few weeks. To briefly recap, a conjunction is when two planets come together in the sky at the same spot along the Zodiacal wheel. It is as if they are sharing a dorm room, finding themselves in extreme proximity.

When the Sun and Mars conjoin, it can signal an excess amount of heat that is developing both within the body and the mind. The effect is frustration, irritability, and impatience. At this time, it is as if Mars were instigating the Sun into asserting itself to an unreasonable extent. This can manifest as unnecessary conflict, wherein two elevated egos are going head-to-head to no avail. The effect is that you may find yourself lashing out in spite, having felt threatened or dominated by someone or something.

With this conjunction occurring in the sign of Libra (the sign of harmony, balance, and justice), it is important to remember that all interpersonal peace stems from prioritizing compromise. When the people or situations in our lives ask that we make room for flexibility, it does not always mean that they are encroaching upon our self-expression and autonomy. Libra considers both sides of an argument, and then advocates for the sum of the two truths. It searches for both justice and equilibrium. As Libra is naturally the sign associated with one on one partnerships, you may find that this conjunction manifests in an excess of heated discussions. This would be coming from an inability to agree on your and your partner’s beliefs surrounding autonomy and how to assert it within the context of the relationship.

The Full Moon in Aries

Now, on October 20, 2021, the Moon will have completed the first part of its cycle – blessing us with a beautiful Full Moon in the sign of Aries. The Full Moon in Aries is known to signal a sudden and powerful spike in energy and impulse. When positively aspected by the surrounding planets, this Full Moon would be a catalyst towards taking that first plunge into a project, conversation, or experience that you have lacked the courage or energy to do.

However, with the current astrological configuration, I believe that these themes of frustration and excessive heat are going to come to a head with this Aries Full Moon. You may find that any developing tension that you have seen progress over the past few weeks is going to reach a climax. Now, depending on where the Aries-Libra axis is within your chart, you may feel this event to be more internal or external. But, whatever the case, there is one piece to this Full Moon that cannot be overlooked.

The Role of the Pluto T-Square

Pluto will be squaring both the Moon and Mars, forming a very energetically intense T-square in this week’s chart. Pluto is a planet that pertains to the act of uncovering what has been previously hidden. Many times when you’re dealing with Pluto, you see that the act of hiding something from one’s self or others is coming from a deeply psychological place. This is why, in modern times, Pluto is connected with psychology and intense revelations. With this T-square, you will likely find the tensions developing in your life to become illuminated with the psychological motivations behind your feelings and actions. You may find that the process by which you realize this deeper meaning only comes after the intensity of a powerful encounter.

It is wise to avoid taking impulsive action against anyone or anything in the name of defending your “power” or “control.” You must be able to recognize the difference between defending your rights and autonomy, versus wielding your power over others in an attempt to mask deeper wounds or fears. This energy may progress into a situation wherein you come face to face with some realities or fears that have been previously hidden. Remember to approach your interactions with grace and patience during this time. Maintain your dignity by avoiding knee-jerk reactions, and think deeply about how to respond to the current dynamics that are developing in your life.


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