In this post, we are going to be discussing the Venus retrograde of December 2021. As of this week, Venus has officially made its transition from the sign of Sagittarius to the sign of Capricorn. With this transition Venus will be undergoing some natural effects on her character, giving her a more serious, committed, and forward-thinking approach to love, finances, and relationships.
Venus typically transits through an entire sign throughout ~ 3 weeks, give or take. Now that Venus has entered Capricorn, however, she is approaching one of her retrograde periods that will cause her to lengthen her stay in Capricorn up to four whole months. Once Venus stations retrograde on December 19, she will remain in Capricorn until March of 2022.
Depending on where Capricorn is located in your natal chart it will affect the areas of life wherein which this retrograde will be most felt. Here is a breakdown of all of the rising signs:
Aries (♑︎ X House): Looking to redefine or harmonize your career. An adaptation to your social image may come after some awkward encounter/scenario. Going back to work in a field that you might have previously written off.
Taurus (♑︎ IX House): Old connections to religion or higher education may arise. Going back to explore old opportunities for mentorship and/or teaching your unique skills may come up.
Gemini (♑︎ VIII House): Issues surrounding debt, inheritance, or taxes. Old debts that you thought were paid off may arise, random bills that you get in the mail, etc. A deep analysis of the psychological dynamics in your relationships may come up.
Cancer (♑︎ VII House): There will be a need to either recognize and productively address unhealthy relationship dynamics and/or there will be a push to release unhelpful attachments to partners. There will be a newfound clarity surrounding what it is that you desire out of a certain partnership, be it romantic or professional.
Leo (♑︎ VI House): There will be a push to re-evaluate how much you are receiving for the work and effort that you put out into your professional life. You may find that you are being offered professional opportunities that are far below what you truly deserve, forcing you to rethink the trajectory of your work. Random expenses may arise due to health or pets.
Virgo (♑︎ V House): If you have children, you may find that there is some catharsis to be had surrounding your relationship with them. In other words, there are some wrinkles to iron out between you and your relationship with your children. Otherwise, you can expect past lovers to arise, but do not expect anything long-term from them.
Libra (♑︎ IV House): Expenses related to the home or living situation. Home repairs or redecorating. Lots of energy and money were invested into making the home a sanctuary. Time spent healing relationships with relatives. A long-lost relative may come back to contact you.
Scorpio (♑︎ III House): Deciding to purchase a used vehicle or rework a current lease. Relationship dynamics between you and your neighbors or community may arise. A need to rework how you relate to others through your speech, as well as the way you think about your partner.
Sagittarius (♑︎ II House): Redefining your life around financial stability now and into the future. Learning to deal with and improve low self-worth, and learning to increase your standards in all areas of life. Searching to make safe financial investments at this time.
Capricorn (♑︎ I House): Issues related to the perception of self. Feelings of rejection and being unloved may arise. Concerns around feeling sexually undesirable or unattractive.
Aquarius (♑︎ XI House): If you have older siblings you may see this as a need to rework or repair the relationship between them and yourself. Going back to being involved in old clubs or social groups.
Pisces (♑︎ XII House): A need to re-evaluate the way that love or possessions are getting the better of you. The internal conflict surrounding the loss of control over one’s self due to relationship dynamics, money, or material possessions.
Stay tuned for more information on this very important transit!