Hey everyone!
I am excited to be here today to talk about this fantastic New Moon in Aries coming up on April 1-2.
This New Moon will occur when the Sun and the Moon conjoin together in the heavens at 11* of Aries. I am stoked about this new energy making its way into our lives here on Earth, as I have my Sun and Ascendant ruler conjunct at 11* Aries. It’s going to be a powerful one!
New moons bring fresh energy ready to be molded into a million new opportunities. It is a time in the lunation cycle when we can both release and attract simultaneously, meaning that new moons are an excellent time to make those internal changes that allow us to build towards our goals over the weeks following.
Your ability to overcome doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs is essential in your ability to manifest your dream reality. Harnessing the energy of a new moon assists you in the process of releasing all of the mental/emotional blockages that may be getting in your way.
At the same time, a new moon is like an energetic void. It is everything and nothing all at once. New moons bring together arguably the two most potent celestial bodies known in modern astrology. No matter how powerful they each are individually when conjunct they are suddenly invisible to us here on Earth. It is quite an interesting phenomenon.
If we consider what this could mean from an astrological standpoint, it's as if two incredible forces were to recede into one another, leaving behind them an energetic black hole. The resulting void works like a vacuum within your chart.
The area of your chart that is affected, along with any planets that might conjoin the new moon, become areas of your life where you are called to release that which no longer serves you and simultaneously harness the magnetism of the new moon to attract that which you truly desire.
The New Moon on April 1-2 will occur in the sign of Aries. This masculine, cardinal, fire sign is all about taking inspired action and getting clear on exactly who you are. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and naturally governs over the first house: The house of Self.
Each sign of the Zodiac represents a specific journey in the human experience. The journey that Aries asks us to embark on is that of self-realization. It asks us to be honest with ourselves about our basic desires and preferences in life and to unapologetically prioritize our pursuit of the people, places, and experiences that make us feel most like ourselves. It asks that we accept the risk of disappointing those around us in the name of self-actualization.
No matter where this new moon will occur in your chart, because it is happening in the sign of Aries we will all feel its direct impact on our relationship with ourselves. This energy grants us the perfect opportunity to declutter our egos, washing away any unwanted labels or identifications that we may have formed of ourselves that are no longer serving us. In return, it works to guide us back to our center of gravity from which we can often stray via the influence of outside beliefs or opinions.
This new moon is all about you.
Who do you want to be seen as? How do you want to show up in the world? What are the essential qualities that make you, you? All these questions and more will be resonating in all of our lives in the upcoming days.
During the week of April 1, make sure to take some time to yourself to do something that you’ve always felt is inherent in who you are. So long as it is an activity that you can enjoy alone, it will do the trick. As you do this, think about the qualities of this activity that resonate most with you. What adjectives would you use to describe this thing? Are these the same qualities that you strive to embody in yourself?
Take the time to be alone and reconnect with who you are at your core. By doing so, you will maximize your potential during this next lunation cycle, as you move forward with more self-awareness than ever before. This will serve you as an internal compass, reminding you of when you are straying too far away from your center and keeping you connected to your most authentic self.