Today marks the beginning of a new astrological season as the Sun makes its ingress into the sign of Cancer. As it leaves the cerebral, fast-paced sign of Gemini, the Sun settles into its new home in the emotionally active sign of Cancer for the next month. Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and is represented by the water element and the cardinal modality.
With the Sun’s ingress into Cancer, our attention shifts to the private sector of our lives. Cancer represents that which we hold nearest and dearest to our hearts, both literally and metaphorically. More abstractly, Cancer represents that which we perceive to be sentimentally valuable and therefore desire to protect. Cancer literally, however, rules over physical things such as the breasts, chest, and breastplate on the human body. As the sign preceding Leo, ruler of the heart, Cancer aims to shield and nurture the reserves of vitality and love that are held energetically in the heart-space. This is the basis of a more broad foundation for subsequent significations of Cancer, such as family, caretaking (be it through parenthood or otherwise), and home, as the home serves to protect what may be the most valuable human asset: Family.
A satisfying domestic life is a jumping-off point for greater direction and stability in life, as you develop a stronger sense of identity and a healthier understanding of how to relate to others with compassion and vulnerability. This is the journey through the cardinal modality of the Zodiac (i.e. Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - Houses, I, IV, VII, & X). This month we will all shift towards a more Cancerian lens, as we begin to further observe our lives through our human need to establish security in order to nurture ourselves and that which is most important to us.