Hi everyone, and welcome to your horoscope for the week of October 1!
This week brings a lot of focus to the planet Mercury, beginning on October 2. This Monday, Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, making for a day of little mental clarity. Under this alignment, our filter that sifts out fact from fiction does not want to work properly, and so there is the potential to feel bogged down or overwhelmed by life’s details. It can be difficult to understand where the truth lies under this alignment, so it would be wise to avoid having any serious conversations or signing any contracts at this time. There can be a tendency with this aspect to escape into mental fantasies, such that daydreaming can make it difficult to complete any difficult mental activity. This alignment is, however, very beneficial for spiritual study, meditation, and musical pursuits.
The following day, on October 3, Mercury will make a collaborative aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. This alignment will help us bounce back from the confusion of the previous day, as this configuration is traditionally associated with intense mental focus. It is extremely helpful in all investigative and research pursuits, as it encourages us to go to the depths of some field of study. There is a desire under this alignment to understand things at their most profound level, and so deep and intense conversations are to be expected. This alignment is also known for uncovering truths or mysteries, so there is the potential for a sudden realization within casual conversation. Be mindful, though, of obsessive thinking, as this planetary combination runs the risk of getting you stuck on one thought or another.
On October 4, Mercury changes signs, moving out of Virgo and into Libra. Mercury is the third planet to now be transiting through the scales of Libra, along with the Sun and Mars. The entry of Mercury into Libra even further highlights the importance of balance and connection within our lives. Libran energy is driven to connect one-on-one with others, to co-create, collaborate, and create social harmony. It is inherently motivated by its desire to strike a feeling of “balance” within its life, hence its natural ability to maintain social harmony and its pursuit of aesthetic refinement. Wherever Mercury is present, it specifically flavors our approach to our daily routines for 3-4 weeks. During this time, it will be natural to lean into routines that center around connection, commitment to others, and the refinement of our daily rituals. This is the perfect time to reevaluate how you are spending your time and redefine your routines around a balance that supports your wellness and fulfillment.
Finally, we end the week on Saturday, October 7, with Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn. This marks a time of profound reassessment of our motivations in life. This planetary combination can seemingly force us to evolve within ourselves, humbling our selfishness and encouraging us to sacrifice blood, sweat, and tears for our success. When this call is ignored by a stubborn sense of self-righteousness, it can lead to explosiveness and power struggles. You would be best advised to welcome adversity and change at this time, as they will likely serve to realign your perspective and course of action to the truth of who you are, not just your ego’s selfish motivations.
For more information on how any of these transits will be affecting you, please email cruzsolarastrology@gmail.com to schedule a reading.
PS: For those of you who were born with the Sun in Libra (September 22 - October 21), please use code LIBRA2023 for 25% OFF a Solar Return Reading. This is a consultation designed to map the chart for your year ahead, based on when the Sun returns to where it was in the Zodiac when you were born. Hence the name, Solar Return. This is said to be your “natal chart of the year,” and it serves to provide you a wonderful insight into your outlook on life for the year ahead, opportunities in love, career, and finance, as well as general attitudes towards health, self-development, emotional wellbeing, and more.
Love and light,