Hi everyone, and welcome to your horoscope for the week of August 27.
Today, the planet Mars exits the sign of Virgo, making its ingress into the cardinal air sign, Libra. Libra is the sign opposite Mars’ home sign of Aries, making it a difficult placement for the planet. While Mars moves through Libra, it will have to go about manifesting its energy in ways that feel unnatural and sometimes unproductive.
Mars is a red, hot, fiery planet all about cutting through life’s challenges in order to achieve one’s desires. Libra, on the other hand, is naturally ruled by Venus and deals with things like union, compromise, commitment, and love. Mars in Libra is therefore notorious for issues with passive aggression. Libra’s commitment to compromise and keeping the peace thwarts Mars’ purpose, which is to break away from others in the name of pursuing one’s truth and ego-nature. It is vital, at this time, that you do not invest too much of your energy into people-pleasing tactics, and, when conflict arises, force yourself to meet it head-on instead of running for the hills. Remember that the resolution of conflict itself is how we build deeper trust, intimacy, and harmony within our relationships.
In general, Mars in Libra represents a time when we are all taking active roles within our committed relationships while learning how to have a tempered approach to self-assertion. Wherever Libra is in your chart is an area of life that is about to receive a lot of action, as you will be presented with a number of constructive challenges to overcome.
On Wednesday, August 30, we will have the Full Moon in Pisces. A Pisces lunation is always quite introspective, as the Piscean energy evokes a yearning within all of us to transcend the mundane and find bliss within our wildest dreams. Often, Pisces can lack the clarity in the details to actually materialize what it is that their imagination craves, but this Full Moon is conjunct with the planet Saturn, which is responsible for solidifying and materializing things over time. Saturn in Pisces brings boundaries and limitations to the human imagination, which is essential in one’s journey toward achieving their dreams.
This lunation is ruled by the planet Jupiter, who is currently in the very center of Taurus conjunct with the planet Uranus. This suggests that we are being called to actively bring into physical existence what it is that our soul is yearning for, carefully attending to our dreams and fantasies like you would a garden. Taurus is the archetype of the gardener, someone who meticulously plants the seeds and, despite not being able to see the way they grow under the soil, trusts the process anyway and returns day after day to tend to the seedlings. There is a sense with this lunation that whatever we are manifesting is going to take time, and we need to be willing to lean into blind faith as we move through the actions without any immediate results. Over time, the abundance and soul-satisfaction promised by this Full Moon will reveal itself so long as you remain firmly rooted in your inner guidance system and faith.
Because the ruler of this lunation is co-present with the planet Uranus, it suggests that what we are being called to manifest may radically differ from our present reality. Uranus always pushes us to reach new heights, but at first, it can feel like what we are being called to do requires sacrificing all sense of security. Despite this, you are being called to forge ahead anyway, even if it means shedding beliefs, people, and situations that currently provide you with a false sense of comfort.
Finally, on Friday, September 1, Mars in Libra will form a quincunx to Saturn in Pisces. A quincunx occurs when two planets are 150* from one another and it embodies the energy of a blind spot. Interestingly enough, it is at 150* from the human eye that an object enters our “blind spot.” Under the influence of this aspect, it is important to watch for falling into the trap of limiting your own potential for fear of failure. There is the potential with this configuration to be absorbed by comparison, feeling like where you are in life will never measure up to the progress of your peers. Know that this influence is temporary and is presenting you with the opportunity to embrace radical self-acceptance.
For more information on how any of these transits will be affecting you, please go to www.solarcrossastrology.com or email cruzsolarastrology@gmail.com to schedule a reading.
Love and light,