Today we’re going to be talking about the Sun in astrology: What it represents and the important symbolism that it is connected to. This article is going to be the first of a planetary series where we discuss in depth the relevant themes and observations that are connected to each of the planetary bodies. So, without further a due, let us discuss the Sun and His significance.
The Sun, by nature, is a powerful, masculine luminary. It is He who gives life and creation to all things in our solar system. If it were not for the light of the Sun, life here on Earth would cease to exist and all other planetary bodies would be rendered invisible among the blackness of space. Without light, there is nothing.
Whenever we want to think about how a certain planetary body will function within the context of human psychology and behavior, we must look to its behavior in the natural world to understand its core symbolism. With that being said, these are the 5 most important things connected to the Sun in astrology:
1. The Sun as the Supporter of Life in Astrology
In the natural world, the light and heat radiated by the Sun are what support the existence of life here on Earth. It is Solar energy that breathes life into our vast ecosystems, and it is He who provides the burst of energy responsible for making us rise in the morning every day.
As such, the Sun in astrology represents that which breathes life into us. Depending on the sign and house location of your natal Sun, this will tell us what are some of the activities or experiences that enliven you and make you feel overjoyed. When you nurture the energies that are symbolic of your natal Sun, the result is a feeling of joy, satisfaction, and appreciation for self and life. When we do the things that are asked of us by our Sun, we feel strong, vital, and enthusiastic. It is, therefore, the Sun that is connected to physical vitality.
2. The Sun as Our Creative Impulse in Astrology
The Sun in astrology is the natural ruler of the sign Leo, and is therefore responsible for fifth house themes in general. The fifth house in the natal chart is connected to the creativity of all kinds. It rules over drama, the performing arts, artists, sex, the creation of new life, and any other pursuits wherein we nurture our natural desire to create something and bring it into a physical being.
As such, we look to the Sun (and the fifth house for that matter) to understand what it is that this person desires to manifest into their life through their creative pursuits. The sign and house location of your Sun will determine the nature of that which you desire to create. Our creative pursuits can be more internal or external, right-brained or left-brained. All of these specifics will be determined by the position of the Sun in your natal chart. This, in part, is why the Sun is sometimes said to represent one’s destiny or life path, as we all come here to contribute our creations to society in one way or another.
3. The Sun as Our Center of Gravity
In the natural world, the Sun serves as our solar system’s center of gravity. Without It, all of the planets would disband themselves and float off into nothingness. It is the force of the Sun, himself, that keeps all other planetary energies united. His function in one’s natal chart is very much the same.
The Sun in astrology serves as our gravitational center. It is the space from which all of our other planetary nuances mingle and interact. If it weren’t for the Sun, the natal chart and our solar system itself would forever lose their form. The sign and house location of your natal Sun will tell you about the nature of the energy and archetypes that the rest of you revolves around. It is the fundamental core that all other nuances return to understand themselves. It is the strong, energetic center that you hold inside of yourself that determines the starting point of all other energy that flows from you.
4. The Sun as Our Pride
The Sun in astrology is the natural King of the Zodiac. He is the Divine Masculine. The God.
As such, the placement of the Sun in our natal charts speaks to that which we feel most proud of. And, conversely, that from which we derive our confidence. We will feel most proud and confident when we embody the character traits of the archetype of our Sun sign. Furthermore, we will feel similarly when we engage in the activities of the house that our Sun is positioned in.
5. The Sun as Our Light Source
Finally, and maybe most importantly, the Sun in astrology speaks to the light that we are born to shine for the world. It represents that natural je-ne-sais-quoi that every one of us possesses. It is the brilliance and talent that we are destined to provide to those in our lives, and those touched by our souls.
Therefore, depending on the sign and house location of your natal Sun, it will tell you about the nature of that light that you are asked to emanate. The flavor of your unique radiance will be determined by the sign, whereas the stage upon which you bring this energy into the world is determined by the house position.