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Seeing Through Neptune

Neptune is one of the most mystifying planetary bodies within our solar system and is traditionally referred to as the higher octave of Venus. Neptune, as with all celestial bodies, represents many things but is most often attributed to experiences involving illusion, disillusion, confusion, and anything unclear or unattainable. Because of this connection to smoke and mirrors, Neptune is the planetary ruler of photography, cinema, and Hollywood. In essence, Neptune is anything that’s made to seem like something that it is not. On a deeper level Neptune represents the collective subconscious and escapism into higher realms, and as such makes connections to spirituality, unorganized religion, psychic abilities, intuition, and dreams. The God Neptune, or Poseidon, has historically been given the title of God of the Sea. But, it is important to understand that while this interpretation can be taken literally, it must also be seen metaphorically as well. The sea, in this sense, functions as a representation of the energetic field that connects all things – it is felt but not seen. This is why things of Neptune are so hard for us to really grasp and define within materially finite terms, as Neptune by nature is formless. Free of the boundaries of the physical form, Neptune functions only within the energetic or sensory plane. Hence its connection to the planet Venus, the planet responsible for sensation itself.

Neptune is a dissolvent. When Neptune comes into contact with other planets, be that in the birth chart or by transit, it tends to drown other planetary bodies within its spiritual waters. We find that individuals with strong Neptune placements within their birth charts tend to be spiritually inclined, as well as musically, artistically, and psychically gifted. They may, however, struggle to attain energetic stability in their lives as they are so innately entwined with the energetic network that connects all things. Because of this, individuals with a strongly positioned Neptune act as energetic sponges, as they unconsciously absorb the energies and auras of those who surround them, making them both highly empathetic and hypersensitive. In this way, people who embody Neptunian energy (i.e. those who possess a Pisces Sun, Moon, or Mercury, as well as Neptune contacts to Sun, Moon, and Mercury) incorporate the value of universal love into their very character, as they genuinely consider the wellbeing of all living things due to their soul experiencing the pain, suffering, and joy of all beings. When an individual does not understand their Neptunian gifts they may try to run from them, leading their lives down a path of addiction and self-sabotage as they desperately try to escape the overwhelming presence of Neptune within their psyche, instead of learning how to care for and curate these Neptunian abilities.

Being profoundly empathic is only a curse when one does not know how to care for their energetic body. For those who have strong Pisces or Neptune in their charts, they need to incorporate an energy-cleansing routine into their day-to-day. They should bathe using either Rosemary or Lavender soaps, as these herbs serve to wash away heavy energies from the body. Palo Santo and Sage can be used to clean the body and physical space daily. And clothing should be removed immediately upon entering the home as to not carry with us outside energies that we may not want to spread. Obsidian stone can be worn or kept in a pocket, purse, etc. anytime you are out in public, as it will help to work as a repellent for any energies that can attach to you from outside sources. Meditation should be made a daily practice, and one should strive to spend time around natural sources of water as often as possible. Salt baths can be done as well, as they cleanse the physical and energetic body while connecting you directly to the substance of Neptune’s sea. As with all things, there is a duality present in Neptune and its effects on the human experience. Nevertheless, if we consciously choose to protect ourselves from the overwhelming effect of Neptune on the energetic body, we can release ourselves into the spiritual, mystical, and empathic side of Neptune without loosing ourselves in its intense and invisible waters.


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