Using the tools we have from traditional western astrology, combined with general esoteric insight, we can draw some pretty amazing connections between what is described within an astrological chart and how these energies are integrated into the physical world. As a professional astrologer, you are frequently asked to explain the process by which celestial bodies manifest their energies physically within the human experience. This can sometimes be a tricky question to answer, as naturally, things of an energetic nature can be difficult to define within physical terms. There is, however, a way to approach this question that not only answers what it is that causes this flow of energy but how and why it continues to affect living beings on Earth.
On a celestial scale, there are six levels of cosmic force. Beginning with moons, we continue upward through planets, suns, constellations, galaxies, and universes, these are the six levels of cosmic energy. There is a constant ebb and flow of energy moving through these different cosmic levels, as energy is pulled down from universes to moons, only to be reflected upward by the same moons themselves. The nature of moons is to act as the necessary catalyst for energy flow within space, as they function as magnets – capable of both sucking in and repelling energy simultaneously. We see this lunar characteristic manifest within the physical world through the push and pull of the tides, as well as with the reception and reflection of the Sun’s light. Moons are therefore the cause of this energetic flow, for without them there would be no natural push and pull within space. In the natal chart, the moon represents the celestial body that draws all energy into the chart itself and is the reason that we can then reflect this energy out into the physical world. Hence why Vedic astrology works off of a lunar system, as it recognizes that, without the moon, the chart would have no way of drawing in cosmic energy from the levels of creation, nor would it be able to express itself in the physical world.
If we want to draw a further connection to the human experience to understand this process a bit better, we must look at the significance of the number six itself. The sixth constellation in the ecliptic plane is the constellation Virgo, the sign that is given to the sixth house in the natal chart, or the house of management and systems. Every sign of the zodiac is assigned to a part of the human body, and Virgo happens to be assigned to the digestive system. The function of the human digestive system is to filter out vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to be used by the human body to harbor life and maintain vitality. The flow of creation, represented as well by the number six, can then be understood as the energetic digestive or filtration system within space. Through the six cosmic levels, energy from unity itself is filtered down through universes, galaxies, constellations, suns, planets, and moons, only to be reflected out by moons themselves into the energetic archetypes that we can study within the physical world. Just as the human digestive system maintains this filtration to sustain life within the physical body, space itself continues to filter through this system of creation to sustain energetic, archetypal, and soul evolution. Through these six levels of creation, it separates energy into archetypal characteristics that are then reflected into the physical world through physical and energetic experiences. If unity desires to experience all that it possibly can, forever evolving and playing with the energy it possesses, this system by which it filters its energy out into the physical plane allows it to both create and observe all experiences possible, making it both the director and the audience of its cosmic dance.