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Eclipse Season 2022: What Does the Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Mean for Your Rising Sign?

Hey there everyone! As we continue to make our way through April, we are quickly approaching our first eclipse of 2022, a partial solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30, 2022.

What is Eclipse Season?

Eclipse season is dynamic, as we are all likely to lose as much as we gain. Energies at play leading up to the eclipse itself can be intense, so I wanted to provide you with a brief guide on how to interpret eclipses in general, along with how this specific eclipse season will be affecting your rising sign.

Eclipse season refers to the four months each year when eclipses occur. These four months come in groups of two. Meaning that out of four eclipses in one year, two happen in the first half of the year and two in the second half. In 2022, the eclipse season will occur April-May and again October-November.

This past year in 2021, the eclipses occurred during May-June and again in November-December. Can you think of any events that occurred in your life during those times? Were there any moments of radical change?

Why Are Eclipses So Important?

Eclipses have always been of the highest importance to those studying the stars, and it is no surprise why. If you have ever witnessed an eclipse, you know that they are breathtaking, though eery and unnerving.

To our ancient ancestors, eclipses signaled imminent disaster. Ancients interpreted them as omens of the death of a king, invasion, famine, plague, and so on. To many, these scenarios are distant fears of the past, but the sentiment remains: Eclipses stir things up in an in-your-face kind of way.

As with everything in astrology, we interpret celestial events in the context of human experience from their physical manifestations. Visually, an eclipse has the power to turn night into day; this is pretty exceptional. They bring sudden change, depletion and multiplication, release and reception. In the words of celebrity astrologer Aliza Kelley, “They [eclipses] open doors by slamming other ones shut.”

Visually, an eclipse has the power to turn night into day; this is pretty exceptional. They bring sudden change, depletion and multiplication, release and reception.

Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon pass over either one of two points in space. These points are called the North and South Node. The North and South Node are not physically in outer space; they are locations, like coordinates on a map. They are both opposite one another, forming a 180* angle. The Nodes have appeared throughout history as being related to karmic realization. They have represented the sometimes chaotic process in which major change occurs, in turn forever shaping the future of our thinking and behavior. And sometimes, it is major external events that lead us to question our trajectory and adjust our course. They represent the natural consequences of past debts, and the learning that we go through that advances our karmic evolution.

They have represented the sometimes chaotic process in which major change occurs, in turn forever shaping the future of our thinking and behavior. And sometimes, it is major external events that lead us to question our trajectory and adjust our course. They represent the natural consequences of past debts, and the learning that we go through that advances our karmic evolution.

When interpreting how an eclipse will affect you, here is what you should know:

  1. The sign placements of the eclipses will give you the overarching themes of the seasonal in general. It is the flavor of the season if you will.

  2. By looking at the houses where the eclipses fall in your chart, you can see the arena of life where this new cycle will appear.

Taurus Versus Scorpio

This year, the eclipses will be occurring in Taurus and Scorpio, the 2nd and 8th signs of the Zodiac. These are the dates of the eclipses for 2022:

  • April 30, 2022 (Taurus)

  • May 15-16, 2022 (Scorpio)

  • October 25, 2022 (Scorpio)

  • November 7-8, 2022 (Taurus)

Out of 12 signs, there are 6 axes in the Zodiac. They are the 6 pairs of signs opposite one another along the wheel. Although each sign is different in its own right, each pair of opposite signs shares specific themes or characteristics that bind them.

In the case of the Taurus-Scorpio axis, the major themes are survival, possessions (physical and spiritual), value, and stability versus instability. Taurus represents fixed Earth, and it works to give value to things, looks to establish security, and is concerned with physical survival. Scorpio, on the other hand, is representative of fixed Water. It values spiritual evolution, defends itself against attack, and is concerned with spiritual survival through willpower and evolution.

In the case of the Taurus-Scorpio axis, the major themes are survival, possessions (physical and spiritual), value, and stability versus instability.

This eclipse season may have us rethinking our values, as we face the question, what do I really need to survive? Is my life in alignment with what I truly value? What do I instinctually desire for my life, and what is the narrative of another? How do I support myself economically and spiritually?

As an aside, the Taurus-Scorpio axis is deeply connected to sex and pleasure. You may notice themes surrounding sex, desire, and pleasure coming into focus in your life. Are you using your human desire appropriately? Does your approach to sex keep you in alignment with your highest manifestation?

These are only some of the questions that may arise at this time.


Interpretations of the Rising Signs


For Aries and Libra risings, this eclipse season will be happing in your 2nd and 8th houses.

  • 2nd House: Physical possessions, income, wealth, property, values, self-worth, gain.

  • 8th House: Spiritual growth, debt, taxes, death, transformation, sex, loss.

Manifestations: You are likely to experience a transformation in your approach to finances, possessions, and survival. Challenges dealing with gain versus loss are likely, as you learn to navigate the need for stability in an impermanent world. You may face experiences surrounding accumulation and loss of wealth, death (literal or metaphorical), and the need to balance what is mine versus yours


Taurus and Scorpio risings, this eclipse season will be happening in your 1st and 7th houses.

  • 1st House: Self, identity, ego, personal approach towards life, independence, self-exploration.

  • 7th House: Partner, marriage, business relationships, contracts, commitment, unity.

Manifestations: You are likely to experience challenges that come from needing to balance your autonomous expression with the obligations of binding with others. Committed relationships may come or go as you strive to explore your own identity and how you can maintain that within the context of unity. You may feel at this time that you are losing yourself to a partnership or that you are basing your understanding of yourself too much on how others perceive you. You get to know yourself, with or without another by your side.


Gemini and Sagittarius risings, this eclipse season will be happing in your 6th and 12th houses.

  • 6th House: Daily to-dos, routines, systems, health, maintenance of the body, workplace.

  • 12th House: Escape from routine, solitude, enlightenment, ego-death, addictions, self-sabotage.

Manifestations: This is when you are likely re-evaluating how you live your life. You may realize that the systems or habits you have had in place are no longer serving you or do not work to begin. You are likely to go through some health transformation. Whether this manifests as a health crisis or as an evolution in your approach toward health and wellness will depend on your health habits over the last few years. You are likely to face challenges surrounding the need to attend to the mundane obligations of life and the need to escape. You may face challenges surrounding addiction or self-sabotage as you work to establish more positive habits and coping mechanisms. You are likely to spend time in silence, which serves spiritual evolution.


Cancer and Capricorn, this eclipse season will be happening in your 5th and 11th houses.

  • 5th House: Fun, hobbies, games, partying, self-expression, children, casual sex, risk-taking.

  • 11th House: Social events, social networks, friendships, the collective, clubs, organizations, community.

Manifestations: You will likely be facing themes at this time surrounding friendship, joy, self-expression, and belonging. Whether you feel suddenly ostracized or included, there will be events surrounding the realization of your tribe and the kinds of activities that unite you with others. There is the possibility of sudden gain through risk-taking, yet at the same time, there is always a chance of sudden loss. There may be developments in relationships with children and themes specifically surrounding the kinds of ideals that you would like to instill in the future generation. Events involving clubs, organizations, or teams are likely.


Leo and Aquarius, this eclipse season will be happening in your 4th and 10th houses.

  • 4th House: Home, family, emotional security, the mother, the past, private life.

  • 10th House: Career, aspirations, goals, legacy, reputation, the father, the future, public life.

Manifestations: There is likely to be an event highlighting the divide between your public and private lives. You will likely face themes surrounding your ability to balance domestic and career obligations, plus your relationship with the past and your ability to progress in the future. Themes surrounding the parents may rise to the surface at this time, and events leading you to revisit experiences that have stuck with you from childhood. With this axis, you will be thinking heavily about where you’ve come from and where you want to go.


Virgo and Pisces, this eclipse season will be happening in your 3rd and 9th houses.

  • 3rd House: Daily travel, brief social interactions, learning, skills, sales, communication, local neighborhood.

  • 9th House: International travel, foreign countries and foreigners, culture, foreign language, teaching, higher education, philosophy, religion.

Manifestations: Your relationship to your education and belief systems will shine at this time. There may be life-changing events related to exploration, travel, conversation, and learning. You may change your belief systems or religion radically by coming into contact with a new culture or group of people. You may gain or lose a mentor or teacher at this time. You may go back to school, or maybe you’ll drop out. If you have been debating about switching your field of study, it will likely happen at this time. Themes surrounding learning and teaching will come to the forefront of this season.


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