Today Venus will spend its final day in the sign of Taurus, eventually forming its final aspect while in this sign as it approaches a trine with great and powerful Pluto. Venus, the planet of beauty, luxury, social niceties, and sensual pleasures, is apparently very different from Pluto, the planet of extremity, psychology, and the intuitive understanding of calculation and strategy - even in the context of personal relationships. Though sometimes brooding and manipulative, Pluto is not always manifesting its most unbecoming self.
When Pluto comes together harmoniously with the other planetary bodies, it is like giving that planet the answers to the secrets of its success. Pluto can serve to boost a planet’s personal power and provide it with experiences that cause profound evolution. When Pluto comes together with Venus, we can all expect to experience insightful realizations into how to attain deeper satisfaction in our close personal relationships and in our finances. Depending on how Venus is aspected in your chart, this could be a successful time for investments or loans. Passion will be running on high under the influence of these two planets. And, the influence of Pluto provides an opportunity to reach
greater depths of sexuality and intimacy.